Monday, October 13, 2008

Some Great Pictures of Epoxy Floors

Epoxy floor coatings are not always found in garages, as the pictures below show they can really be put anywhere there is a concrete surface. The smooth finish and clean appearance make epoxy floor paint a great choice anywhere in your home or business.

Epoxy Garage Floor
This is clearly a garage floor that has had epoxy applied to it, and probably by a professional. Note how there are no tire marks or scuffs caused by the tires. If applied correctly these floors are extremely durable. Their easy maintenance also makes them top choices for garages.

This is a great example of what an epoxy floor coating can do to a house or room. It's not just that it cleans it up, but it also gives it an air of elegance. I think the picture below this really shows that well.

floor paint epoxy
This picture really speaks for itself. It really is a gorgeous floor, and it is the floor that makes the room. You take this furniture and put it in a carpeted room and it just looks okay. In a room with an epoxy floor, however, it becomes transformed.

professional epoxy floor installation
This again just goes to show how epoxy floor paint can really transform a room. Imagine what this would look like if it were just concrete. With the epoxy down it really pops.

When thinking about renovating your home, take some time to consider epoxy products. As these pictures show, they really can transform your space and completely change it.

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